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"Italian Flag" - Special Call II4TRI on air from 5 to 20 January 2008 To celebrate the 211 years since the first introduction of the national flag (Tricolore) the local ARI department has organised an initiative to celebrate this event. Some OM from Reggio Emilia will be on air from 5 to 20 January with the special call II4TRI Bands: 80, 40, 30, 20, 17, 15, 12, 10 Mt (with possible activities in 2 Mt e 70 Cm) Mode: SSB, CW and Digital Modes (PSK31 e RTTY) QSL via Manager IK4SWX Fabrizio or via Bureau or direct at P.O. Box 178 Reggio Emilia 42100. Rules and information on the local ARI Website or QRZ.COM
Reggio Emilia View of Calatrava's Bridge
IZ4MJP® 2010 |